SEPTEMBER MENUS -- Reminder all breakfast and lunch meals are FREE for students this school year 2021/2022
over 3 years ago, Resi Valek
FRESHMAN PARENTS!!! THE PARENT MEETING TONIGHT IS IN THE LIBRARY AND NOT THE CAFETERIA!! Play auditions will be taking place in the cafeteria starting at 7:00 p.m. Please enter through the door by the gym so we do not disturb auditions. Thank you!!
over 3 years ago, Gina Aurand
After a few meetings yesterday regarding food service, USD 109 wants to share information regarding school lunches. As you may have been hearing on the news, many suppliers are dropping delivery routes and some food items are in low supply. Ashley and OPAA have done an amazing job of stocking up on dry foods as well as frozen over the past few weeks. The only real issue right now is bread and fresh produce. We learned today that the distributor OPAA currently uses for our district has dropped their route and we will not be receiving a truck this week or in the future at this point. They are continuing to locate another supplier to deliver going forward and if worse comes to worse will get a refrigerated truck and deliver from Sams's to us. What does this mean going forward for the time being--starting Wednesday the elementary will only have one option and the jr/sr high will have only two options. None of the options will be salad due to the produce limitations. We will continue in this fashion for lunches until further notice. We will get kids fed a full meal everyday meeting USDA guidelines; it just may not be all the options they are used to having. We will keep you updated as more information becomes available. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to Ashley at or Mr. Lyder at
over 3 years ago, Larry Lyder
Please see the following resource for kids ages 3-5 from LCNCK.
over 3 years ago, Larry Lyder
Early Childhood Screenings
FRESHMAN PARENTS!!! The counselors are hosting a Freshman Parent Night tomorrow night at 7:00 p.m. in the RCJSH cafeteria. The presentation will cover the in's and out's of high school and what you need to know to help your child succeed. Hope to see you there!
over 3 years ago, Gina Aurand
The football jamboree at Clay Center on Friday will start at 7pm. Go Buffs
over 3 years ago, Alan Sheets
Don’t forget Junior High T-Shirt oders are due on Tuesday!
over 3 years ago, Rachelle Scott
Rep Co Jr High T-shirt
The high school football jamboree for Friday, August 27, has been moved to Clay Center.
over 3 years ago, Larry Lyder
2021-2022 yearbooks are in. They will be delivered to students on Friday during lunch. If you didn’t order one and would like to, contact the office or Mrs. Parde. Cost is $45.00.
over 3 years ago, Nicol Parde
yearbook cover
Parents Fall Sports pictures are Monday and Tuesday next week, schedule as follows-Monday-JH/HS Cross Country followed by HS Football Tuesday-JH/HS Volleyball followed by JH Football followed by JH/HS Cheerleaders
over 3 years ago, Alan Sheets
Due to the expected HOT weather ( temps in the 90’s and pushing heat indexes of 100) over the next 3 days of school we will adjust practice times for our teams that practice outside. Friday-Monday-Tuesday practice times include: Cross Country 6:15-7:15 am all 3 days; HS Football Friday-6:00-7:30 pm Mon-Tues 7:00-9:00 pm; JH Football Friday-6:00-7:30 pm Monday -Tuesday after school (but first hour inside then outside in shorts and tshirts with mandatory breaks every 10 minutes)
over 3 years ago, Alan Sheets
AUGUST MENUS - click on link
over 3 years ago, Resi Valek
We are so excited to welcome back our students today for the 2021-2022 school year. Happy 1st Day of School to all of our students and staff.
over 3 years ago, Larry Lyder
1st Day of School
Tonight, as you put your children to bed and wish them well with good vibes, I challenge you to also send positive vibes to: Administration- who probably won’t sleep tonight wondering what they have forgotten to do Secretaries- who will likely be still working late into the night making sure everything is ready for everyone Teachers- who definitely won’t sleep tonight and are likely still at work putting the last minute touches on their classrooms Cooks- who are excited to do what they do best and make the kids smile though food Counselors- who have worked tirelessly creating schedules and setting up meetings and tours to make everyone feel welcome Maintenance Staff - who have worked all summer to clean the buildings and make them look presentable Paras and support staff- who are likely just as nervous about the first day of school as the kids and likely will not sleep either Bus drivers- who will be going over their route in their sleep tonight hoping they don’t forget anyone on the first day Nurse- who has been sorting through data to know who can and can’t have Benadryl and keeping up with immunization records It takes a village. Everyone does their part to make sure your student has the best first day ever. And most of it you’ll never see. It’s the sleepless nights, the worrying, the planning and then re-planning of lesson plans. It’s the “I think I have all the schedules complete and printed and then have to do them again because a change had to be made.” We do it for the kids. I work with the most selfless, passionate, creative people ever and this is the only way I could think of to give you a little glimpse into our world. Thank you to all of the Republic County USD 109 Employees and Cheers to a Great School Year!
over 3 years ago, Larry Lyder
Please refer to the attached document for dismissal procedures for East Elementary. If you have any questions, please reach out to East Elementary at 527-2330.
over 3 years ago, Larry Lyder
East Dismissal Procedures
Junior High "Welcome Back to School" Dance will be held this Friday, August 20 from 8-10 PM in the high school cafeteria. Please enter through the east cafeteria doors and exit through the front entrance. We ask that you follow school appropriate dress code and no hats. This event is open to all RCJH 7th and 8th graders. No outside dates are allowed. See you on Friday!
over 3 years ago, Michelle Hubert
USD 109 has the following items for sale by sealed bid: 3 Lincoln Arc Welders 1 Delta Scroll Saw 1 DeWalt Radial Arm Saw Bids must be turned in by 4 pm on Friday, September 10 to the Administration Office at 1205 19th St, PO Box 469, Belleville KS 66935. Items are sold as is and may be seen by appointment by contacting Mr. Strnad or Mrs. Holtorf at 527-2281.
over 3 years ago, Larry Lyder
Delta Scroll Saw
DeWalt Radial Arm Saw
Lincoln Arc Welder
RCHS Welcome Back Celebration Friday, August 20 at the Stadium Entrance 7:30-9:00pm Games and free Hot hot dog meal provided by RCHS Student Council and FBLA. 10:00pm-12:00 am High School Dance in the Cafeteria Open to all high school students and faculty! Join us for a fun night to celebrate the new school year!
over 3 years ago, Kelly Melton
USD 109 has the following items for sale by sealed bid: Pexto Metal Crimper with Attachments Shown Bids must be turned in by 4 pm on Friday, September 10 to the Administration Office at 1205 19th St, PO Box 469, Belleville KS 66935. Items are sold as is and may be seen by appointment by contacting Mr. Strnad or Mrs. Holtorf at 527-2281.
over 3 years ago, Larry Lyder
USD 109 has the following items for sale by sealed bid: 1 Powermatic Band Saw 1 Delta Milwaukee Drill Press 2 Craftsman Vices Bids must be turned in by 4 pm on Friday, September 10 to the Administration Office at 1205 19th St, PO Box 469, Belleville KS 66935. Items are sold as is and may be seen by appointment by contacting Mr. Strnad or Mrs. Holtorf at 527-2281.
over 3 years ago, Larry Lyder
Craftsman Vices